Upcoming events:

September 25 - See You At the Pole (See Your School's FCA Sponsor for Details)

October Lesson Series: "Why?"

October 2 - Youth @ the Rock, 5:40 p.m.

October 3 - Bring-Your-Bible Day: Take a picture of yourself with your Bible and post to social media for a prize (must verify with Michael).

October 9 - Youth @ the Rock, 5:40 p.m.

October 16 - Youth @ the Rock, 5:40 p.m.

October 23 - Youth @ the Rock, 5:40 p.m.

October 30 - "Is Genesis History?" Film Night, 5:40 p.m. @ the Rock

Do you have a heart which has a desire that middle school and high school students hear the Gospel? 

We are looking for small group discussion leaders who care deeply about building discipleship relationships with students. 

Background check and abuse training required, but provided free of charge by GCBC.

If interested, please contact Michael Phillips.

Send Michael an email by clicking here.

To set your default mail app, go to Settings, Apps, Default apps then select your default mail program.

Sign up for important updates from Youth at the Rock here.

All youth must fill out a release form for all activities. Click here for the forms.