Upcoming events:
Impact Weekend
If your student is interested in signing up for Impact Weekend at the end of January, please let me know ASAP. The cost is $40. We also have scholarships available, if needed. More information is available at the Rock building.
Bible Reading Calendar
During 2025, we are encouraging all of our students to develop a habit of reading the Bible a little bit each day. It is not too late to get started! When completed, participants will have read the entire New Testament in a year. Feel free to print it out and read the passages and discuss them with your student. We will also have paper copies available on Wednesday nights. Let Michael know if you have any questions or concerns. Reading Plan
Upcoming Events:
Do you have a heart which has a desire that middle school and high school students hear the Gospel?
We are looking for small group discussion leaders who care deeply about building discipleship relationships with students.
Background check and abuse training required, but provided free of charge by GCBC.
If interested, please contact Michael Phillips.